Itsepuolustus kilpailuna
Self-Defense refers to the martial arts that fights the attacker with bare hand and foot of striking, kicking, punching, thrusting, locking, grabbing, and throwing down. These are defensive techniques that can be used to dominate an opponent and consider his/her life.
① Contest method: Cut-off
② Contest time: 60 seconds or less
③ Uniform: Kukkiwon Approved Dobok
④ Number of contestants: 5 to 7 members
⑤ Compulsory regulations
1. Attacker’s weapons must be imitations in order to avoid any possible injury
2. Use of sound effects is not allowed.
3. Expressing the divided movements are not allowed.
4. Performing contestants must not carry weapons.
5. The self-defense routine should not be comical.
6. Exaggerated actions and overuse of violence are not allowed.
7. Music is allowed.
8. The items used in the presentation do not effect the scoring.
⑥ Self-Defense techniques
1. Contestants shall attack and defend by using hands and feet to strike, kick, punch, thrust, twist, lock, and throw opponents.
2. Contestants are to constantly attack and block in multiple directions. - 45 -
⑦ Marking Criteria
1. Accuracy(4.0)
A. Accuracy of the movements : Accuracy of offense and defense
B. Accuracy of the technical movements : Accuracy of the Taekwondo technical movement
2. Program arrangement(6.0)
A. Practicality(2.0) : Practicality of movements and technique combination
B. Skill(2.0) : Degree of skillfulness of practical technique
C. Creativeness(2.0) : Unique creativity
3. Self-Defense Technique Score Chart Marking Criteria Marking Criteria Details Point Accuracy (4.0) Accuracy of movements 4.0 Accuracy of techniques Program arrangement (6.0) Practicality 2.0 Skill 2.0 Creativeness 2.0
⑧ Marking methods
1. Accuracy
A. Accuracy of movements : 0.1 point is deducted for each inaccurate movement.
B. Accuracy of technique : 0.1 point is deducted for each inaccurate technique.
2. Program arrangement
A. Practicality : Practical movements, including technique combination and application, will be evaluated and marked.
B. Skill : Skillfulness of practical technique is to be evaluated and marked.
C. Creativeness : Creative theme is to be evaluated and scored after the scenario.
3. As for the evaluation of program arrangement, points will not be deducted in every mistake. Points will be deducted after watching the entire program.
⑨ Penalty deduction (“Gam-jeom") and disqualification ("Sil-gyouk")
1. Penalties are given by the chief referee.
2. The penalties are deduction("Gam-jeom"), and disqualification("Sil-gyouk") and One deduction penalty is equal to 0.1 point deduction.
3. Deduction
A. Conducting undesirable acts
B. Disturbing the referee or the staffs to proceed during the contest - 46 -
C. Using unapproved weapons
D. When contestants injure themselves
E. Exceeding the time (0.3 point deduction shall be applied per 10 seconds.)
F. If the number of contestants does not meet the required limit, 3 points will be deducted per person.
G. Stepping over the boundary line of the comepetition area results to a 0.3 point deduction.
H. Creating a comedic performance.
4. Penalty points shall be deducted from the participant's total score.
5. Disqualification("Sil-gyouk")
A. Entering the contest in the name of others
B. The use of real weapons instead of fake weapons
⑩ Decision of contest
The decision of the contest shall be made in accordance with the Article 27 of Referee Decision and Publication.