2020 Covid 19
- Mar.18 Kukkiwon Taekwondo Demonstration Team to second place in ‘The World Best’
- Jun.27 Kukkiwon Taekwondo Research published ‘Taekwondo Terminology Dictionary’
- July.25 Kukkiwon’s Presidential Election Candidates Announcement
- July.26-30 The 2019 Pyeongchang World Taekwondo Hanmadang
- Aug.27 Open Recruitment for Director Candidates of Kukkiown
- Oct.11 First Presidential Election held by Kukkiwon
- Oct.14 Received Kukkiwon President Certificate of Election from National Election Commission
- Oct.17 Kukkiwon Appoints New Directors from Open Recruitment
- Feb. 01 Appointed IOC Executive Board Member Ser Miang Ng as Honorary Chairman of the Board of Kukkiwon
- Mar. 30 TAEKWONDO was designated the Korea Kukki
- July. 28-31 Held the 2018 World Taekwondo
- Sep. 11 School Violence Prevention Campaign at Kukkiwon
- Nov. 25 The 2018 Seoul World Taekwondo Leaders Forum
- Nov. 29 Held Taekwondo Dobok Design Presentation
- Jan.19 Held course for supervisors, test enforcement managers, and examiners
- Feb.02 Held course for military and police examiners
- Feb.11 Held appointment ceremony and workshop for 2017 Kukkiwon Examiner Course
- Apr. 06 Held maintenance education for Taekwondo Masters dispatched overseas by Kukkiwon
- May.10 Held a welcoming luncheon event for the general assembly of the International Sports Press Association (AIPS)
- Jun.01 World Taekwondo Academy (WTA) relocated to Muju
- Jun.28 First visit by the ITF Demonstration Team to Kukkiwon
- Jun.29 Kukkiwon President OH Hyundeuk awarded the ‘2017 INAK Social Contribution Award’
- Jul.06 Appointed IOC Member Seungmin Ryu as Kukkiwon Promotional Ambassador
- Jul.07 Unveiled ‘The Great Taekwondo’ regular Taekwondo performance
- Jul.20 Kukkiwon President OH Hyundeuk awarded the Human Leader Award
- Jul.29 Aug.02 Held the 2017 World Taekwondo Hanmdang (in Anyang)
- Aug.02 Held the Seoul Global Taekwondo Leaders Forum 2017
- Aug.28 Taekwondo Journal of Kukkiwon selected as registered academic journal by NRF
- Oct.28 Held the 2017 Kimunyong Cup International Open Taekwondo Championships
- Nov.04 Proclaimed ‘Kukkiwon Taekwondo Day’ in North Carolina, USA
- Dec.23 The 2016 Global Luxury Awards Grand Prize
- Dec.09 The 2016 Global Leadership Awards
- Dec.01 The 6th Korean Wave Awards
- Nov.29 New Poomsae presentation
- Sep.23 Kukkiwon mid-and long-term vision proclamation
- Aug.06-07 The 2016 Seoul World Taekwondo Leaders Forum at InterContinental Hotel.
- Aug.03-06 The 2016 World Taekwondo Hanmadang at Kukkiwon
- Aug.01 Hong Seong Chon was appointed as Kukkiwon Chairman of the Board
- Jun.03 OH Hyun Deuk was appointed as Kukkiwon President
- May.26 A farewell ceremony for the President Jeong Mansoon
- Feb.22 Kukkiwon Taekwondo Demonstration Team performs 2016
Taekwondo Performance Public Demonstration - Feb.18 Appointment Ceremony for the 2016 Kukkiwon Supervisor and Members of Assessment Committee
- Feb.18 Appointment Ceremony for the members of the 2016 Technique Assessment Committee
- Feb.01 Appointment Ceremony for the 2016 Kukkiwon Taekwondo Demonstration Team (86 people)
- Jan.28 A class was held for the members of the 2016 Kukkiwon Assessment Committee of Poom & Dan Promotion Test
- Jan.01 Kukkiwon Homepage Chinese service open
- Dec.18 Cultural Awards(Sports) from Seoul Metropolitan Government
- Dec.15 The 2015 Global Leadership Awards
- Dec.01 Kukkiwon was launched an exhibition on the Google Cultural Institute
- Oct.30 The 2015 Seoul World Taekwondo Leaders Forum
- Oct.17 Kukkiwon signed MOU with Joseon Sori bom Character Education Institute
- Oct.17 Kukkiwon signed MOU with KORAIL
- Sep.05 The 2015 Foreigners Taekwondo Exhibition/Fringe Festival
- Sep.04 The 2015 3rd High Dan promotion test
- Sep.01 Mayor Derek R. Corrigan of Burnaby, Canada visited the Kukkiwon. Delivered the proclamation of the establishment of ‘Taekwondo Kukkiwon Day’ as August 8 (Proclaimed on August 24)
- Aug.31- Oct.08 The 2015 Taekwondo education of developing country
- Aug.28 The 2015 Kukkiwon Taekwondo “Great Taekwondo” regular performance opening ceremony
- Aug.15 Dokdo Taekwondo Performance (Dokdo Island)
- Aug.14 Dokdo Taekwondo Performance Eve Celebration (Dodong Park in Ulleungdo Island)
- Aug.11 The funeral ceremony of the late Lee Chong Woo (the first Taekwondo Funeral Service)
- Jul.30- Aug.02 The 2015 World Taekwondo Hanmadang
- Jul.03 Taekwondo Journal of Kukkiwon selected as a candidate of registered journal by the Korea Research Foundation
- Feb.06 Kukkiwon was selected Future Heritage
- Dec.17 Kukkiwon Research Institute of Taekwondo research results presentation
- Oct.27- Dec.05 The 2014 Taekwondo education of developing country
- Aug.21-24 The 2014 World Taekwondo Hanmadang at Pohang
- Aug.18-20 The 2014 Research Result Announcement
Research Institute of Taekwondo - July.22 Kim Hyunsung was appointed as president of WTA
- July.15-19 The 36thInternational(Foreigner) Taekwondo Master Education was conducted at Taekwondowon, 107 people from 41 countries have completed the education
- June.15- Nov.14 The 2014 Taekwondo Masters invitational training program was conducted, 12 people from 12 countries
- June.11-15 The 32ndInternational(Foreigner) Taekwondo 1, 2, 3 class Master Education was conducted, 75 people from Lima, Peru participated
- June.12 Kukkiwon Taekwondo Digital Encylopedia Open
- May.03 The opening of Kukkiwon Taekwondo Demonstration Team’s Namsangol Hanok Village Regular Performance
- Feb.27 Taekwondo Technique Countil was appointed
- Feb.24 Renewed Homepage and Mobile Web
- Feb.21 WTA meeting for relocation of Kukkiwon
- Feb.20 OH Hyun Deuk was appointed as Kukkiwon Vice President
- Feb.06 Jeong Mansoon was appointed as Kukkiwon President
- Feb.05 Taekwondo Training Class at Taekwondowon
- Oct.27 Lee Kyuhyung was appointed as Kukkiwon president
- Spe.04 The 2013 Taekwondo Day
- Aug.28 The 2013 World Taekwondo Hanmadang at Daejeon City
- June.17 Hong Moonjong was appointed as Kukkiwon Chairman of the Board
- May.26 Kukkiwon Special Corporation of the 2nd Board of Director
- Mar.15 Appointed ‘Kukkiwon Street’
- Nov.28 Launched Kukkiwon Smartphone Application(English)
- Nov.17 The 2012 Kukkiwon Dojang Invigoration Seminar
- Sep.04 The 2012 Taekwondo Day
- Sep.03 The 2012 Seoul World Taekwondo Leaders Forum
- Aug.28 The 2012 World Taekwondo Hanmadang
- Jun.30 Taekwondo Journal of Kukkiwon Vol. 3, No. 1 was published
- Jun.01 MOU contract with the 3RD R.O.K Army
The 2012 Taekwondo Friendship Training Program - May.15 Kukkiwon Labor Union was established
- Feb.13 Taekwondo Textbook was published
- Dec.28 Kukkiwon Smartphone Application was launched
- Dec.12 MOU Contract with the National for Korean Traditional Performing Arts
- Dec.08 WTA Education Program Public Hearing was held
- Nov.30 Taekwondo Journal of Kukkiwon Vol. 2, No. 2
- Sep.30 Donation Organization was designated
- Sep.21 MOU contract with The Presidential Council on Nation Branding
- Aug.10 Aug.01 The 2011 World Taekwondo Hanmadang
- Jun.01 The 2011 Taekwondo Friendship Training Program
- May.26 Held 'TKK WIN-WIN-WIN 2020'
- Feb.08 Proclaimed ‘Kukkiwon Day’(U.S.A)
- Dec.16 The 2010 Kukkiwon Research Institute of Taekwondo Symposium
- Dec.09 Presented KMS Homepage
- Dec.08 The 2010 World Taekwondo Hanmadang
Launched Kukkiwon New CI - Nov.30 Published Taekwondo Journal of Kukkiwon Vo.1, No. 1
- Jun.13 The 2010 Taekwondo Friendship Training Program
- Jun.04 Kang Won Sik appointed as Kukkiwon president
- May.26 Changed from Foundation Corporation to Special Corporation
- May.20 Kim Joo Hoon appointed as Chairman of Board
- Feb.23 Park Chang Dal appointed as 11th Chairman of Board
- Jan.06 Lee Seung Wan appointed as Kukkiwon President
- 12.22 The 1st Taekwondo Demonstration Contest
- Dec.10 Mr. Lee, Seung Wan became the 10th Chairman of Kukkiwon
- Sep.03 The 1st Seoul World Taekwondo Leaders Forum
- Aug.12-15 World Taekwondo Hanmadang 2006(In DangJin)
- Jan.01 Korea government/ Kukkkiwon Dispatch Taekwondo Instructor
- Jun.01 - Sep.30 Taekwondo Friendship Training Program
- Jul.17-20 World Taekwondo Hanmadang 2006
(Anaheim Convention Center In U.S.A) - Mar-Dec Taekwondo Experience Program for foreigners/Taekwondo Culture Performance
- Nov.01-04 World Taekwondo Hanmadang 2006 (In Suwon)
- Mar-Dec Taekwondo Experience Program for foreigners/Taekwondo Culture Performance
- Nov.30 Seminar 'The History and Spirit of Taekwondo'
- Nov.01-04 World Taekwondo Hanmadang 2006 (In Muju county)
- Apr.03 Establishment of Research Institute of Taekwondo
- Apr.01 Renewal of Homepage
- Nov.01-04 World Taekwondo Hanmadang 2005
- Oct.01 Establishment of New CI of KUKKIWON
- Apr.29 The first publication of 'Taekwondo People'
- Nov.04-07 The World Taekwondo Hanmadang 2004
- Mar.02 Uhm, Woon Kyu was elected as the 9th President of Kukkiwon
- Nov.28-29 The 1st World Taekwondo Muye Championships
- Nov.26-27 The 11th Taekwondo Hanmadang
- Dec.04 Homepage for Kukkiwon opened (English)
- Nov.13-15 The 10th Taekwondo Hanmadang
- Feb.22 Visits of the members of IOC
- Feb.20 Homepage for Kukkiwon opened (Korea)
- Dec.13-15 The 9th Taekwondo Hanmadang
- Apr.03 Taekwondo Performance event for celebrating the participation at Sydney Olympics
- Dec.16 The 8th Taekwondo Hanmadang
- Nov.30 Publication of a commemorative book on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Kukkiwon
- Jun.13-15 The 1st Un Yong Kim Cup International Taekwondo Championships
- Nov.01-04 Taekwondo selected as an item representing Korean culture
- Mar. - Dec. Adopting the Information System for more efficient business operation
- Sep.20 Publication of English version of Taekwondo Textbook
- Sep.04 Ceremony of unveiling the monument for celebrating that Taekwondo was selectedas an official event at Sydney 2000 Olympics
- Sep.05 Taekwondo selected as an official event at Olympics 103rd IOC General Session (Paris)
- Nov.30 The 20th anniversary of Kukkiwon and its publication
- Nov.30 The 19th anniversary of Kukkiwon and the opening ceremony of Taekwondo Memorial Hall
- Nov.09 Formation of Ad Hoc Committee on Dan Certification
- Sep.17 Exhibition event at '88 Seoul Olympics and Taekwondo exhibition at the Opening Ceremony
- Jul.01 Computerized issuing of "Poom" and "Dan" certificates
- Jan.01 Take over the overseas business from WTF
- Nov.30 Publication of a commemorative book on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of Kukkiwon
- Nov.30 Publication of updated Taekwondo Textbook
- Sep.18 Awarded honorary 10th Dan to the President of IOC
- Jun.01 Computerizing system for recording and reference of Dan Certification
- Aug.16 Establishment of a monument for the World Taekwondo Championships
- Nov.30 Publication of a commemorative book on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of Kukkiwon
- Nov.30 Designated as an official training institute for Taekwondo from the Korean government
- Oct.09 The president of IOC visits to Kukkiwon
- Sep.01 Opening of Taekwondo Academy
- Feb.16 Transfer of Overseas Business to WTF
- Feb.05 Taekwondo was selected as an exhibition event at the '88 Seou Olympics
- Dec.09 Taekwondo was selected as an official event at the Asian Games 1986
- Aug.08 Registration of Kukkiwon Mark with the Office of Korean Patent Administration and its announcement
- Mar.18 Publication of WTF Newsletter
- Jun.10 Implementation of Taekwondo Instructors Training Education (From 28th session)
- Sep.10 Establishment of Asian Taekwondo Union
- Aug.07 Integration of Taekwondo "Kwan"
- Jun.30-01 Pre-World Games
- Feb.01 Establishment of Kukkiwon mark
- Aug.28-31 The second World Taekwondo Championship
- Aug.20 Completion of octagonal pavillion
- Feb.14 Change the name of "Dan" to "Poom" for under 15 years old effective from March 1, 1975
- Oct.18-20 The first Asia Taekwondo Championships
- Sep.06 Foundation of Kukkiwon Taekwondo Demonstration Team
- Sep.02 Framework-raising ceremony of main gate
- Aug.07 Registration of Kukkiwon and establishment of the articles of foundation
- May.28 Establishment of World Taekwondo Federation
- May.25 May.27 _ The first World Taekwondo Championships
- Apr.05 Hold the first national promotion test for high grade Dan holders
- Feb.24 Publication of "Taekwondo manual"
- Feb.06 Named "Kukkiwon"
- Nov.30 The ceremony for the completion of Kukkiwon
- Mar.01 Enactment of Regulations
- Nov.19 Ground-breaking ceremony of Kukkiwon